We deliver results

Find out how Pitch121’s tailored approach painted Thomas as a thought leader on LinkedIn and landed great meetings with big names such as Nestle and Walmart along with McDonald’s as their ideal customer.

Pitch121’s unique approach painted Thomas as a thought leader on LinkedIn and landed meetings with big names such as Nestle, Walmart, and McDonald’s.

Conversations That Convert

Pitch121 found, reached out to, and engaged hundreds of decision-makers in the AI/Automation side of things from Jochen and painted Thomas as a thought leader on LinkedIn with regular posts that commonly exceeded the 4K reach.

In 4 months we secured:

+ 0


+ 0

New Connections

0 %

Response Rate

Intact is a leading provider of cloud and on-premise SaaS solutions for inspections, audits, certifications, accreditation, and standards. Pitch121’s challenge was to raise Thomas’s (CEO) profile on LinkedIn and the visibility of their SaaS product by providing regular content about AI through Jochen’s LI profile (Head of Analytics and AI).

How Did We Find The Fans?

A combination of LinkedIn expertise, technology, and a rigorous eye for detail meant we located the right target market (Agriculture, Airlines, Food & Beverage) through deeper-dive research and human-based content.

People Not Personas

Once we made contact, we engaged on a bespoke, 1-to-1 basis, developing the relationship between the team and their new connections.


Our collaboration led to an elevated profile for Thomas within the German market. We achieved this through great copywriting, which led to early upsell and referral.

Brand Awareness

Pitch121’s tailored approach to creating conversations ensured that Jochen and Thomas LI profiles exceeded standard benchmarks and gained in excess of 4k reach per profile.


Pitch121’s aim was to understand Intacts product offering and how to sell it internationally. Intact wanted worldwide outreach by using their CEO’s profile (Thomas Lorber). They also required support with content, the Pitch121 team provided regular posts around their ideal market (AI & Automation).


Ideal Fans Identified


Joined Thomas’s Network


Constructive Conversations

0 %

Of conversations resulted in meetings


One of the key factors which contributed to the success Intact saw over a four-month period was to focus Thomas’ profile on LinkedIn with posts about his farm, bee awards, and passion for organic farming, making his profile much more relatable and interesting to engage with.

0 %

Response rate

0 %

Acceptance Rate

+ 0

New Connections

Pitch 121 delivers good, useful results and is a welcome addition to any lead marketing mix.

- Thomas Lorber, CEO


Meetings with Ideal Prospects from both profiles

0 %

Conversations/Meeting Rate


Meetings with big names in the Food & Beverage industry


During the initial four-month period this case study covers, we expanded Jochen’s LinkedIn network by 290 – all of whom were high quality, ideal target Fans for Intact’s SaaS.

Our unique approach – creating familiarity before contact and then using skilled social media copywriters to engage on LinkedIn “as” both Thomas and Jochen – meant that 104 of those new connections had a conversation with her. 57 of those, in turn, converted into meetings with some of the biggest names in Food & Beverage (McDonald’s, Nestle) and created tangible results based on our profile based marketing technique!

Creating Conversations that Convert

Get in touch with a member of the Pitch121 team.

Help Us Move from Anecdote to Evidence

We’re collecting real data on LinkedIn outreach—what works, what doesn’t, and why. 
Your input will shape our LinkedIn Outreach Handbook.