We deliver results

Find out how Pitch121 helped Futurecurve make C-suite level connections with key players in their target industries

Want to see how Pitch121 brought in new business opportunities for Futurcurve through the power of LinkedIn marketing?

Conversations That Convert

Pitch121's team took the time to fully understand Futurcurve and the message they wanted to share with their prospects. We took a tailored and personal approach to content and outreach to achieve commercial success.
In 3 months, we secured:

0 %

Increase in SSI Score

+ 0

New connections

+ 0

Meeting interests within targeted industries

Futurecurve is a business and psychology consultancy that specializes in helping companies harness customer value. With over 20 years of experience analyzing customer behavior, thoughts, and feelings, Futurecurve leverages its expertise to create effective market positioning and value propositions. They empower clients to make a difference for their customers and win better and more profitable business sustainably.

How Did We Find The Fans?

With Futurecurve's clear vision and direction, we created custom FAN lists of potential prospects in new industries and locations than their previous targeting.

People Not Personas

We represented Helen Blake as both a person and a professional, leveraging her knowledge and seniority to have conversations that converted.


To make sure content was 'on-brand', our dedicated copywriting team met bi-weekly with Futurecurve to create content on the cutting edge.

Brand Awareness

We put Futurecurve's content in front of the right people at the right time and increased overall visibility of their posts on LinkedIn.


Futurecurve is an expert in harnessing customer value, but they had knowledge gaps when it came to social media marketing. Pitch121 filled those gaps to help grow brand awareness and recognition in strategic industries that Futurecurve wanted to target.

0 +

Ideal Fans Identified


Joined Helen's Network


Constructive Conversations

0 %

Of conversations resulted in meetings


We understood the nuances of Futurecurves business and knew they had the expertise and gravitas to become their prospects first choice for business consultancy. Our strategy was to leverage their knowledge into vaue-driven content paired with targeted outreach into specific industries to grow Helen’s network and put her content in front of the right people.

0 %

Response rate

0 %

Acceptance Rate

+ 0

New Connections

"Pitch121 has provided us with a clear and concise structure to our approach on LinkedIn. Their process has been very professional and target orientated and has helped build an active business community. Simply put, we have found this an effective way of growing an engaged network"

- Helen Blake, CEO of Futurecurve


Meetings with Ideal Prospects

0 %

Conversations/ Meeting Rate


Meetings with big names in the Oil/Gas industry


As Futurecurve’s brand awareness grew, so did its notoriety and credibility. Pitch121 made meaningful connections with key stakeholders in target accounts and nurtured the relationships via LinkedIn soft touchpoints. The result was an influx of meetings from high-level companies like Shell, BP, and Chevron.

Creating Conversations that Convert

Get in touch with a member of the Pitch121 team.

Help Us Move from Anecdote to Evidence

We’re collecting real data on LinkedIn outreach—what works, what doesn’t, and why. 
Your input will shape our LinkedIn Outreach Handbook.