How Clarity4D Used Social Selling to Secure 47 NHS Meetings and Close a Deal in 3 Months

Clarity4D Social Selling


New Connections




Meetings Generated


Response Rate


Training And Coaching


United Kingdom


Medium-sized agency


Network Expansion

Creating Conversations

New Opportunities

About Clarity4D


Clarity4D, experts in professional profiling and talent management, partnered with Pitch121 to penetrate the NHS market and elevate Managing Director Judy’s LinkedIn presence. In just three months, the collaboration resulted in 47 high-value meetings and a closed deal within the NHS.


Clarity4D sought to break into the NHS market and build brand awareness by positioning Judy, the Managing Director, as a thought leader. The company needed a structured marketing approach and social selling strategy to increase their reach and attract new business. The challenge was to find the right decision-makers in the NHS and engage them in meaningful conversations that would lead to business opportunities.


Pitch121 crafted a personalized LinkedIn strategy to help Judy expand her network within the NHS and initiate conversations that would lead to valuable meetings. The approach focused on optimizing Judy’s LinkedIn profile to attract NHS decision-makers and engaging the right audience who aligned with Clarity4D’s talent management solutions. By building familiarity through consistent interaction with targeted content, Pitch121 facilitated authentic one-on-one outreach with potential prospects. This strategy also included a structured marketing plan designed to enhance outreach efficiency and support Clarity4D’s small team in scaling their efforts.

Pitch121’s approach successfully positioned Clarity4D in the NHS sector, opening doors for future opportunities and expanding their network of potential clients.

Pitch121’s tailored approach generated substantial outcomes within three months:

  • 393 new qualified connections added to Judy’s LinkedIn network.
  • 145 constructive conversations with decision-makers, resulting in meaningful engagements.
  • 47 meetings with key NHS prospects, leading to high-value discussions.
  • 26% of conversations converted into meetings, showcasing the effectiveness of the outreach.
  • 1 deal closed in the NHS market within the first three months.
"Pitch121 has surpassed expectations in terms of the quality and number of leads we are receiving, and we have already created income after only 1 month. A great job by a great team!"
Judy Oliver Clarity4D
Judy Oliver
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Clarity4D

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