How LinkedIn Live enhances social relationships

The LinkedIn Live feature has been active for over a year now and already we’ve seen so many engaging and informative streams. But how will this boost your business relationships – virtual and actual?

When it comes to nurturing your network, a live video can go miles. A lot of us underestimate how our natural charm can help build deeper connections. Going live is a quick and easy way to humanise you online.

And… the numbers show that LinkedIn live gets 7X more reactions than a standard video!

Knowing that your customers are hearing words come from your mouth directly just adds that extra human edge that a bot could never emulate online (well, not yet at least!)

Let’s dive into a few of the benefits and tips you need to host a successful LinkedIn Live stream.

Increasing Brand Awareness:

When delivering any kind of value, people are going to want to listen. Once it inspires or educates the reader, they’ll remember your brand in a positive light. 

Though you can’t make any direct sales pitches, tasteful presentation of logos and sponsors is encouraged. Here’s where you can get really creative.

LinkedIn Live allows personal branding within your presentation, allowing you to build a community and get your message out there. There are plenty of websites like Canva that you can use to design your presentation and align with your brand.

Building Networks:

In addition, if you’ve already built a strong business relationship online or have had conversations which you feel would benefit your network, you can use LinkedIn Live to co-host with partners and prospects.

Once you hit record, your 1st degree connections will be notified that you’ve gone live. And if they let their curiosity get the better of them, it will encourage them to connect with you.

These new connections are then more likely to drive higher engagement on your profile. Not to mention positioning you as the expert on your subject. It’s a great way to get creative and show the face behind the expertise!

The beauty of LinkedIn is that there are always people looking to develop their knowledge and experience. Not only will the value you provide in one live stream be listened to, but – providing it helps others – it will keep them coming back for more.

Communicating with your Audience:

Even the act of arranging a live stream ahead of time shows, in the best possible way, that you’re making a big deal out of the value you’re adding to your viewers.

Rather than a post or a pre-recorded video, you’re assigning purpose to what it is you have to say, and encouraging people to tune in and dedicate time to listen to you.

It’s every businessperson’s dream to have their audience there with them listening to what they have to offer.
LinkedIn Live also has a Q&A feature, allowing you to interact with viewers live. As your audience gets to know who you are and how you can help them, they’ll connect the dots to your brand.

Not to mention that if people interact with you during the Live, they’re more likely to interact on the post – which goes out automatically once the recording has ended. 

Comments on posts have a certain snowball effect, the more there are, the more likely it’ll encourage you to join the conversation. The same goes for questions after the webinar.


Since our network is always curious to hear new ideas and new voices, the time to start using LinkedIn to build social and professional relationships is NOW!


Learn More:

For further information, check out this helpful webinar on how to start up future conversations by clicking here

If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of the Pitch 121 team. We would be super happy to hear from you.


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