How to Respond to 5 Recent LinkedIn Algorithm Changes

It’s pretty common knowledge that each of the major social media platforms – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok – have algorithms that dictate which content gets boosted for a bigger outreach and viewed across the platform. 

LinkedIn is no exception. Behind the scenes, complicated maths equations are deciding which content and which creators get the most outreach. 

That equation changed in September 2022. 

While we don’t have access to the lines and lines of code that showcase the exact changes, we do have research from Rob van der Blom, Founder of Just Connecting, a Social Selling and LinkedIn training and consultancy hub. 

You can imagine how valuable this information is, especially for LinkedIn content marketing agencies like Pitch121. We can create content to get you noticed by your best future clients and to help employees advocate on their company’s behalf. 

Now, thanks to this research, we have a better understanding of how to build the best content for the newly-changed algorithm.

Familiar Names in the Scroll Session

Imagine you’re swiping your thumb over your mobile device or just scanning your monitor on LinkedIn. 

You see someone’s name and a post pop up, but continue scrolling. After a minute, you squint at the screen – is that the same person again, with a different post? 

Yes, it definitely is. 

For the first time, LinkedIn is allowing multiple posts from the same creator to appear in your feed during the same scroll session.

From an exposure standpoint, this is really beneficial for content creators. This means more content gets more exposure and your name and brand stays front-of-mind for any potential prospects. 

The only downside is that your network could get tired of seeing your name pop up ad nauseam. 

We’ll be covering post frequency in a different blog – for now, just make sure you’re creating content regularly but not every day or multiple times per day.

Rewarding Active Users

Speaking of posting content, LinkedIn is changing the structure of its algorithm to benefit heavily active content creators. 

These are accounts that have spent the past few years building up brand awareness by publishing content regularly and amassing a large following. 

Now any post that these accounts publish is automatically given more reach than an account that’s just starting to put content out there. 

Great news for well-established content creators, but not so encouraging for those that are less active. 

Wait, Are Impressions Usually That Low?

If your LinkedIn account hasn’t put out any content in the past, you might run into some barrier-for-entry into LinkedIn influencer territory. 

Let’s put some numbers to that claim.

On LinkedIn, 99.9% of users have seen their reach decline by 15% and engagement drop by 10%. 


In stark contrast, if a LinkedIn account has regularly been posting content, that account now has a 20-25% increase in reach and a 15-20% increase in engagement. 

While that may sound daunting, it just means that any account with a focus on brand awareness or employee advocacy needs to start posting immediately to try to push their profile into content-creator status. So get writing! 

Exponential Growth for Content Creators

Once you do reach the status of ‘content creator’ on LinkedIn, growth is near exponential. 

Typically content creators have a large number of followers, which accelerate growth for the account right after they post. 

Followers engage early and often which is critical for post amplification. If a post gets a great number of likes and comments in the first few hours it’s posted, it’s more likely to be picked up by the algorithm and shown to more first- or second- degree connections. 

If possible, try to get followers to subscribe to notifications for your content. They’re one of the best resources for growing brand awareness! 

Dwell time? Never Heard of It 

Right now we’re living in an attention-driven economy. 

Capturing people’s interest is key – so make whatever you’d like to say short, sweet, and to the point. 
That means putting away all of the extensive marketing decks and PDFs and writing a short post that people can read in the span of 1-2 minutes. 

Remember, engagements for posts in the first few hours after publishing is key. If people scroll past your content because it’s too verbose, then you’ve lost key engagement! 

In Conclusion… 

If you haven’t started posting regularly on LinkedIn but one of your goals in the next year is to increase your brand awareness online, then you need to start writing content for LinkedIn immediately! 

Keep it simple and to the point to get the maximum amount of engagement within the first few hours of publishing. 

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t go viral overnight. These things take time, so give it room to grow. 

LinkedIn can be a great tool for showcasing your content, as long as it’s packaged in the right way. If you’re not sure exactly how to use that tool or your packaging could use a rework, feel free to reach out to us at Pitch121. 

We’d love to help your team advocate for your company’s behalf on LinkedIn! 


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