At Pitch121, we’ve developed our own unique way of using LinkedIn to nurture and build relationships. Our testing has reinforced the message, that the universal truth is still alive and kicking – People buy from people, they know, like and trust.
We have pulled together a number of resources to support you on your business journey. If you have any questions, please do reach out and let us know. We would be delighted to hear from you!
The Profile Based Marketing Academy
One of our founders, Laura Hannan, has put her years in using LinkedIn for sales plus all of the data and insight from our work on your LinkedIn Profiles to produce an on-demand video library to help you win on LInkedIn.
The 13 courses of bite-sized learning are full of “how to”s and practical tips that can be put to immediate use. You will learn everything from optimizing your profile to getting Sales Navigator working for you, while having LinkedIn conversations in your inbox that actually convert.
Our weekly inspirational email lets you know which topics are trending.
LinkedIn Training Programmes for your Company
Every team member has access to the training academy. 150+ short videos, grouped into courses. Participants can watch these videos over time, at their convenience, and they are regularly updated with new features and explainers.
Typically conducted in person, on Google Meet, Zoom or Teams, these presentations will teach your team LinkedIn skills, a blend of philosophy with practical tips and real-life examples. We even throw in online quizzes for larger groups.
Participants ‘go live’ with a group video call for their online workshop. Colleagues add ideas (post-its) to an interactive board. This embeds the skills that are taught via the academy and/or presentations, as team members put what they’ve learnt into practice.
Participants explain their goals and we set priorities and tasks for the next session. As well as providing direction that is specific to current needs, it also brings accountability which moves the Linkedin training into an everyday habit.
My first career as a dancer gave me an excellent grounding for my second career in sales.
Delighted to have found something I was actually good at, I worked in sales for agencies (Bluhalo/GyroHSR and WPNChameleon) and tech firms (many startups including the ill-fated, but ahead of its time PowaTag), before setting up Pitch121 with my business partner Fergus Parker.
I met Fergus working together in a sales team of a content marketing agency. We were early believers in using content to convince, getting in early, and persistently staying front of mind to create sales success. This is the essence of what our teams do today to help agency owners and tech entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
My only regret is not setting up a LinkedIn group called “I ‘heart’ LinkedIn”, when I first thought of it in 2008.
Trust is the power of unlocking your network
People buy from people they know, like and trust
90% of decision-makers say they never respond to cold out reach
Nurtured leads spend 47% more than non-nurtured leads